The Joy of Purpose
We have all felt our patience wear thin while the line to whatever only seems to lengthen. Do our sages have pertinent advice for our contemporary battle with the banality of life’s thousand annoyances and stresses? Of course they do.
A Better Concept of Self
Like a full-bodied and warm aroma, a prideful self-conception can intoxicate, but can also easily overwhelm without a taming tone. Humility is the note that balances our pitch. How do we strike the elusive balance between confidence and reserve; how does Judaism define humility and its place in the hierarchy of personal values?
The Pursuit of Happiness
In the mysterious elixir of a charmed and perfect life, happiness is the most sought-after ingredient. What insight does Judaism offer into the search for happiness? Why is happiness so integral to success, why is it elevated as a religious virtue, and how do we secure it?
The Thank You Nation
Be thankful for every generous act, Torah teaches, even if done by your enemy. Why go to such lengths? The Exodus story reveals how gratitude is an integral part of leaving behind our communal and personal exiles.
The Fifth Commandment
Obsessively overbearing or frustratingly distant– parents come in all shapes and sizes, yet we are called upon to honor and respect them. How do we navigate our relationships with those who gave us life? What obligations do we have toward them, and why does the Torah give these obligations such prominence?
In G-d We Trust
We all know worrying doesn’t help, but does it also hurt? Turns out it does. In exploring the definitions of faith and trust in G-d, we find a profound and empowering message of how to improve our lives with positive thought.
I Didn’t Mean To
If you’re craving a full-bodied, traditional entrée with a modern twist, this lesson in Talmudic wrangling is for you. Ancient dialogue about motive and consequence is fused with contemporary readings and case studies, slowcooked to perfection on an inquisitive mind with a flair for the dramatic.
The Green-Eyed Monster
The destructiveness of the green-eyed monster is well documented. But is there any good to be salvaged from envy? In this salty lesson we traverse the biblical story of Joseph and his brothers to discover the many sides of envy.
The Entitlement Disease
Between the selfie and Snapchat, this is the age of the narcissist. Nothing corrodes a relationship quite like the stain of selfobsession. How can we turn our gaze toward others, and become less fixated on ourselves?
Crafting a Personal Mission Statement
Carefully molded and cooked to perfection, a mission statement is what guides us through life. This lesson is a guide to crafting meaning in your personal life.
Pardon Me
A lesson for the bruised and the bruisers, because we have all been both at some point. This lesson is a delicate treatment of forgiveness: its fragrance, its fragility, and its fruitfulness.
Rain, Rain (Don’t) Go Away
The secret to success? A perfect balance of saucy invention and home-style faith.